
[計畫] 長壽山、石門內尖山

集合時間:2012.08.19 09:30
集合地點:捷運永寧站 4 號出口
  • 中繼點:下午兩點未過石門內尖山,則回推至任一可往北下至龍泉路的山路,沿龍泉路回媽祖田公車站。
管制時間:2012.08.19 18:00

  • 穿著運動衣物、鞋子(越野鞋、登山鞋佳)。除非沒有其他褲子,否則請不要穿牛仔褲。
  • 雨衣:輕便雨衣可,兩截式雨衣佳。
  • 600cc 以上飲用水、午餐、行進糧(走路時方便吃的小零嘴)
  • 集合前請先吃完早餐
  • 請不要噴灑香水、或使用香味濃郁的沐浴乳等。
  • 攜帶防風外套、帽子/頭巾、雨傘。
  • 攜帶第二件上衣(下山可變裝回普通人),並用塑膠袋包好。
  • 告訴家人你要去哪裡。

雖然是標準走在稜線上的路線,不過在十八羅漢岩附近有一些落差較大攀爬路段。整條路線也略長,不含休息約需要 4hr 的時間。不過也不用太擔心,帶好雨衣、行進糧,一起來享受這條路線吧!

English Version

Meeting time: 2012.08.19 09:30
Meeting point: MRT Yongning station, exit 4.
Hiking route: 長壽 mountain bus stop→石門內尖 mountain→MRT Yongning station.

Note: If we haven't passed the 石門內尖 mountain before 2pm, we will select one route nearby and head towards 龍泉 road direction, and walk back to 媽祖田 bus stop.

Necessary tips:
  • Wear: Sportswear, jogging shoes (hiking shoes better). Unless you have no other choices, please DO NOT wear jeans.
  • Rainwear: Disposable rainwear is also fine. Two-part rainwear preferable 
  • Drinking water (600ml+), lunch, snacks to chew while walking.
  • Please finish your breakfast before the journey begins.
  • Please do not use perfume, cologne, or any fragrant lotion, shampoo and showering gel. 
Recommended tips:
  • Bring a wind-proof jacket, hat/ head scarf, umbrella.
  • Bring another piece of clothing, so that you can change after finishing the hike. Pack it up with a plastic bag.
  • Tell at least one family member or a friend where you are going.
There will be some places which will require some climbing, and the hike will take at least 4 hours, excluding lunch time and breaks.

